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Quick Tips for Sight Words

Sight words are also called high frequency words, instant words or snap words. These are words you need to know quickly and automatically. The problem is, most of these words "don't play fair," meaning they don't follow phonetic rules. Some examples of sight words include: want, there, where, their, should, against, sew.

Sight words need to be memorized, there's no other way around it. So for kids with a visual processing weakness or a weakness in short term memory, it's HARD! The best way to memorize sight words is with flashcards, discussion and practice. So here are a few tips:

  1. Use notecards to create flashcards. Plain white cards with a black sharpie work best to make those words pop.

  2. Practice multiple times a day.

  3. Play games! Some of my favorite include tic tac toe and hop scotch with the flashcards. Use movement as much as possible.

  4. Have kids "take a picture" of the flashcards (with their fingers and memory :)), take the flashcard away and have them visualize the letters they saw.

  5. Ask your child to write the letters in the air or table with their finger after they've read the word.

  6. Keep a tally on the back of how many times your child read them automatically and retire the words when you see 5 or more tallies and feel they've memorized the word.

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